Concern about Difficulties Faced by MSMEs in Issues such as MPF Hedging and Paternity Leave

Concern about Difficulties Faced by MSMEs in Issues such as MPF Hedging and Paternity Leave

The Government proposed to abolish the MPF "hedging" scheme has largely confused many MSMEs in Hong Kong. In fact, more than 90% of travel agents in Hong Kong fall in the category of MSMEs. Everyone is worried as the approval of the plan may cause drastic cost, which they may not be able to afford. In this
regard, I expressed my concerns of our members in the relevant committee meetings of the LegCo and asked the Government to listen to everyone's voice so as to reach a consensus.




On 19 December 2017 & 15 May 2018, I attended the Panel Meeting on Manpower – regarding MPF hedging



Increasing paternity leave from three to five days is also another recently proposal put forward by the Government, that would cause manpower mobility problem and add pressure on MSMEs. In this regard, at the meeting of the “Bills Committee on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2018”, I asked the Government to properly address and empathy on the difficulties faced by the MSMEs. I hope that the Government will first retain better understand of the hardship faced by the business sector after the policy is introduced and try not to rush to conclusion.



On 17 July 2018, I attended a meeting of the “Bills Committee on Employment (Amendment) Bill 2018” – regarding paternity leave
