Reinforce Facilities at Cultural and Entertainment Venues and Increase Space for Convention and Exhibition Activities

Reinforce Facilities at Cultural and Entertainment Venues and Increase Space for Convention and Exhibition Activities

West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD)

I have all along been paying attention to the financial and operational arrangements of the project. I consider monitoring work of the “Joint Subcommittee to Monitor the Implementation of the West Kowloon Cultural District Project” (Joint Subcommittee) part of my duty and hence requested the Government to prudently carry out its supervisory and budgeting roles in order to avoid the project turning into an open-ended commitment. In terms of traffic connection, I requested the Government to provide sufficient drop-off areas and parking slots for coaches. I also suggested the Government to study the accessibility of the cultural district through of the waterways and the possibility of operating water taxis.


On 9 February 2018, I attended a meeting of the Joint Subcommittee –Financial Arrangements of WKCD Project


Convention and Exhibition Venues

The lack of venues for convention and exhibition has affected both the trade and tourism industry. The Policy Address proposed to increase convention and exhibition space by utilizing the land of three government buildings in Wan Chai. I declared full support of the proposal at the LegCo and hoped that the Government would step up its efforts. Furthermore, considering that the HZMB will soon be put in service, which will promote the convention and exhibition industry in Lantau Island. I recommended to the Government that apart from Wan Chai, the Government should proactively investigate the possible launching second phase of the Asia World Expo (AWE).


On 18 April 2018, I attended a special meeting of the Finance Committee -- Section 11 Business and Tourism - regarding venues of the AWE
