Improving property management and operation of owners' corporations (2013/03/27)
If we agree that there must be no repetition of the fire in Fa Yuen Street, we must squarely address the potential hazards in "three nil" buildings. It is the responsibility of the Government to consider the adoption of mandatory measures, such as the enactment of legislation to require the establishment of OCs in buildings aged 30 years or above, so as to ensure that the responsibility of property management is always undertaken by dedicated organizations.
I understand that any proposal on the mandatory establishment of OCs for old buildings will trigger varying degrees of reaction from different social strata. But, I hope that the Government can actively face up to this issue, and adopt effective measures in an attempt to take forward any such proposal. In order to ensure the orderly progress of establishing OCs for all buildings, the Government is advised to formulate a work target shortly, allocate more resources, and attempt to assist 20% of the old "three nil" buildings in establishing OCs each year as a tentative pledge, in the hope that the problem of establishing OCs for buildings can be resolved within five years, thus manifesting the Government's determination to squarely address the issue.
President, owners of old "three nil" buildings are mostly elderly persons. Most of them are reluctant to participate proactively in the formation of OCs due to their aversion to bearing responsibility, financial problems and physical weakness, thus making the establishment of OCs an extremely difficult task. The situation cannot be improved without the active intervention of the Government. In this regard, I advise the Government to provide old buildings aged 50 years or above with direct subsidy in the first year as an incentive, so as to encourage owners to establish OCs or hire property management companies. Units participating in the scheme may include District Councils and social welfare organizations, so as to prevent the abuse of resources.