MR YIU SI-WING (in Cantonese):
First of all, I would like to thank the 22 Members who have spoken on my motion, and I would also like to thank Mr Frankie YICK for proposing his amendment. Mr YICK's amendment has enriched the content of my motion by specifying which industries are still in dire straits, facing difficulties in survival and in great need of immediate government assistance. Other Members who have spoken have provided a lot of valuable views, including listing out various hard-hit industries and ways to help hard-hit industries to upgrade and transform, as well as seeking further subsidies for these hard-hit industries. Members who have spoken generally hope that the Government will encourage more people to get vaccinated, which is actually quite important. The purpose of providing assistance to hard-hit industries is to boost the economy. If the public do not get vaccinated, the epidemic will remain volatile and the economy can hardly recover.
Therefore, I hope the Government will listen to the views of Members and propose some practicable measures to support the industries. Mr YICK has particularly mentioned the provision of a "business resumption allowance" for the cross-boundary passenger service sector, so that we can have adequate and safe cross-boundary passenger services when cross-boundary travel with the Mainland and Macao is resumed. I agree with this point, so I agree with all the proposals in Mr Frankie YICK's amendment. Thank you, Deputy President.