Proposal for Policy Address of 2013 - 2014

Proposal for Policy Address of 2013 - 2014

ChiefExecutive's Office

Tamar Hong Kong

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

ThePeople’s Republic of China


31October 2013


Dear Mr. C Y Leung,

Thank you for yourinvitation of comments on the 2014 Policy Address. This proposal mainly coversrecommendations raised by myself towards the government’s tourism development strategies andpolicies that support the tourism industry in Hong Kong. 

Beingone of the four traditional pillar industries in Hong Kong, the tourismindustry has been able to maintain steady growth despite the economic downturnsover the past decade. According to government statistics, although theproportion of tourism in GDP was 4.5% in 2012, its coverage and the role ofstimulating employment have exceeded way beyond this figure. It is understoodthat tourism-related industries have altogether hired over 620,000 employees,which accounted for one sixth of the total workforce.

Overthe past period of time, there have been considerable debates over a series ofsocial problems brought along by tourists. The rise in the number of visitorsyear after year, which led to insufficient support services in major touristareas and increase of tourist activities that influenced the daily lives ofresidents in those regions, has caused discontent among the local citizens. Thelack of long term plans for the tourism industry in Hong Kong over the yearswas highly inconsistent with the government’s aim to use tourism as a majorpillar industry, the economic contribution of tourism, and stimulation of employmentbrought by the industry.

Based on theabove situation, I hereby present the following recommendations upon your 2014 Policy Address:-

1.     Develop a Long-term Tourism Development Planin the Shortest Time Possible

With annual progressivegrowth and the number of tourists visiting Hong Kong per year soon approaching80 million in five year’s time, it becomes imminent for the government todevelop tourism plans. I earnestly hope that the Chief Executive will adopt thefollowing recommendations when developing tourism plans:

Ÿ  Incorporate a 5-10 year tourism plan into the 2014 PolicyAddress.

Ÿ  Set up an organization that liaises withmultiple bureaus in the consultation framework of the existing Working Group onConvention and Exhibition Industries and Tourism. This organization, withsubstantial power and chaired by the Chief Secretary for Administration, willformulate long-term tourism plans and timetables.

2.    Improvethe Supporting Facilities for Transport and Tourismand Make Hong Kong the Hub for Conferences and Tourism inthe Asia-Pacific Region

Hong Kong is a great attraction in the Asia-Pacificregion for many mainland and overseas business travelers and tourists. TheGovernment should set up more policies to support Hong Kong in becoming a leading hub for conferences andtourism in the Asia-Pacific region. The specific measures should cover thefollowing:。

Ÿ   Increase the opening of channels and flights.Shorten the time for third runway expansion.

Ÿ   Improve the supportive facilities for the KaiTak Cruise Terminal and prepare in advance transport support facilities fromvarious ports to the Cruise Terminal. By promoting the reception capacity andconvenience of the Cruise Terminal, Hong Kong can be transformed into the truehomeport in the Asia-Pacific region

Ÿ  Confirm theplan and set up as soon as possible a timetable for developing Lantau into aTourist Island. In particular, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge can diversethe tourist flows and help to turn Lautau into a Tourist Island .

Ÿ  Increaseland appropriation for hotel usage and speed up the license approval process. Tocombat the overflowing condition of unlicensed and shadow guesthouses, penaltyfor offenders should be appropriately raised in order to increase the deterrenteffect of the relevant laws. This will enhance the quality of lodging industry inHong Kong.

Ÿ  Optimize theimmigration clearance and staffing schedules so as to shorten the clearance time for visitors. Specialmeasures should also be developed for handling high tourist volume during peakperiods.

Ÿ  Designexclusive programmes for the Hong Kong Disneyland in order to maintain itsuniqueness in the region and avoid homogenized competition with the ShanghaiDisneyland.

Ÿ  Consider tointroduce and station international tourism projects in Hong Kong, which can enhancethe attractiveness of our tourist attractions.

Ÿ  Package andpromote scattered tourist attractions in Hong Kong and support featured itemssuch as sightseeing in countryside, cycling tour and heritage exploration.These activities can provide tourists with additional options other thanshopping.

Ÿ  Improvemanpower shortage in the tourism industry by increasing professional tourismdegrees and vocational training programs, to a level which can adequately correspond to demands ofthe industry.

3. Prudent Studyon Regulations for Establishing the “Travel Industry Authority”

    Inorder to regulate the tourism industry, the Government plans to set up a "TravelIndustry Authority" in 2015. I hope the following areas can be addressedwhen the Government studies the bills for the “Travel Industry Authority”:

Ÿ  Currently there are more than 1,600 travel agencies inHong Kong. The Government should listen to the industry when forming theregulations for our travel agencies, who have been facing the predicament ofrising costs and decreasing income. Most importantly, the Government shouldavoid compressing the limited living space for small to medium-sized travelagents, which could further impactwellness of the tourism industry.

Ÿ   Careful assessmentshould be done on the regulation about imposing HKD$800,000 deposit for travelagencies that run mainland tour groups. While information from the Governmentrevealed that there are currently only 20% of the some 1,600 travel agencies in Hong Kong that organizemainland tour groups, I personally do not agree to the figure and believe thatthere should be approximately half of the travel agencies in Hong Kong operating such business. In view of the possible triggering ofmassive business failure among local travel agencies due to the enforcement ofHKD$800,000 deposit, I would recommend the Government to charge only punitive deposits from those travel agents that haveviolated the regulations.

I sincerely hopethe Government can devote some time and efforts to tourism while exercisinggood planning and ideal diversion of tourist flows. By accelerating the constructionof infrastructure, the tourism industry in Hong Kong can surely develop in ahealth and sustainable way, through which our fellow members can together sharethe benefits brought by optimal economic development.


Thank you very much for your kind consideration.


Yours sincerely




YIU Si-wing

LegCo Member
