Financial position and operation of Kai Tak Cruise Terminal (2014/11/26) - (Supplementary)

Financial position and operation of Kai Tak Cruise Terminal (2014/11/26) - (Supplementary)

Financial position and operation of Kai Tak Cruise Terminal (2014/11/26)

MR YIU SI-WING: President, the value of the Terminal lies not only in a significant number of ship calls, but also in a high visitor flow, which will help reflect the value of the Terminal by generating additional income. Apart from the measures put forward by the Bureau just now, such as increasing the number of ship calls at the Terminal and using it to host brand promotion activities, will the authorities conduct a further study with the terminal operator on the formulation of measures to increase the visitor flow of the Terminal with a view to enhancing its commercial value; if it will, what are the details; if it will not, what are the reasons?

SECRETARY FOR COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: We have all along maintained very close liaison with the terminal operator to monitor the operations of the Terminal and try to identify any other operational problems, if any. When negotiating with cruise companies on business collaboration, we will also address such issues as the measures in place to facilitate entry of visitors upon berthing of cruise vessels each time as well as the provision of feeder transport services to cruise passengers to ensure convenient and efficient access for them to various districts in Hong Kong. Discussions will also be held on possible ways to attract more visitors or local citizens to the Terminal. As I have mentioned earlier, we have been actively following up the provision of ancillary transport facilities and close liaison has been maintained with cruise companies and the terminal operator on other issues. In this connection, follow-up actions have in fact been taken to address the issues concerned.

MR YIU SI-WING: What I was asking just now is: Apart from increasing the number of ship calls at the Terminal and using it to host brand promotion activities whether measures other than transport arrangements will be implemented for the purpose?

SECRETARY FOR COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: The terminal operator has been urged to provide more incentives and actively promote the Terminal as an event venue. As I have said earlier, the building design of the Terminal itself has made it possible for the hosting of major events in the Terminal and a running event has recently been held there. As for other events, follow-up actions have been taken and will be actively pursued.
