Strengthening the combat against the crime of wildlife smuggling (2015/12/03)
President, the Chinese character for "elephant" (象) is a pictograph, created in the shape of an elephant, it first appeared in oracle bone script. At present, Yunnan is the only place on the Mainland where elephants can be seen. But according to archaeologists, a few thousand years ago, the home range of elephants in China was very extensive, with most of them inhabiting the area of Henan on the central plains of the Yellow River basin. The one-character abbreviation of Henan Province is "豫", the original meaning of which is also related to elephants.
Rhinos were not a rare or exotic species in ancient China. In the Shang Dynasty over 3 000 years ago, it was very common to see rhinos in the wild, which were as common as rabbits in the field. However, due to climate change and increasing human demand for ivory and rhino horns, and after mass and unrestrained killings, the numbers of elephants and rhinos have been dwindling, and the last rhino in China was even slain in 1957. From this we can see that if the situation remains unchecked, it will probably not be long before some other wild animals become extinct.