Appropriation Bill 2016(2016/04/14)
President, according to the findings announced by the Public Opinion Programme at the University of Hong Kong, this year's instant survey gives Secretary John TSANG's budget a rating of 60.5 marks, which can be considered the one with the highest satisfaction rate among all his budgets delivered since he assumed office in 2008. This year's Budget will probably be approved by the general public as not much controversy is expected.
The measures of "handing out candies" proposed in this year's Budget amount to $38.8 billion. The middle-class people will enjoy more benefits from them than they did from those of the previous years. To a certain extent, this Budget has addressed part of the aspirations of the middle class. In the past, the practice of "giving out candies" gave us an impression that such "candies" would benefit the grassroots first and the aspirations of the middle class were ignored, with a view to winning more applause. Last year, the news about "a middle-class three-member family with a monthly income of $70,000 was struggling from pay cheque to pay cheque and only had $1,500 left after deducting all the monthly expenses" became the talk of the town. The news had the sympathy of many middle-class people. In fact, the middle class is shouldering a large part of the Government's income tax and has made a remarkable contribution to the income of the public coffers. Yet, they are not entitled to public housing and most social welfare benefits. Besides, they have to bear the rather hefty expenses on housing and supporting their parents and children. The stress they suffer from everyday life is by no means less than that of the grassroots. In this year's Budget, the allowances for married persons maintaining a dependent parent or grandparent were increased. The deduction ceiling for elderly residential care expenses for taxpayers whose parents or grandparents are admitted to residential care homes was raised. The rates reduction arrangement was streamlined. These measures give us the feeling that the Government shows concern for us by alleviating the financial pressure from our everyday life during times of economic downturns.