For over a decade, there has been no new large-scale attractions built in Hong Kong. In view of the decrease in attractiveness of existing attractions, the Government needs to introduce new attractions and inject new elements into existing tourism resources. I support the Government to invest properly and strengthen the cooperation with different districts. By improving the facilities, we can promote potential and featured tourism projects in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong's tourism industry has entered a period of adjustments in recent years. In order to sustain and thrive, we must find new ways out. In this connection, I proposed a motion on "Giving full play to the edges of local tourism resources" in LegCo meeting. Seven Members suggested amendments to the original motion and a total of 35 Members expressed views on the motion. Finally, my original motion was passed in the LegCo, and the Government needed to submit a follow-up report on my motion.
On 16 June, 2017, I met with Mr. Bill Tang Ka-piu, Islands District Council Member, and village heads and representatives of five villages in Tung Ping Chau, and listened to their appeals for tourism development of the island. Through coordinating with the Government, it is hoped to progressively resolve the problems encountered by the villagers in water and electricity supplies as well as transportation, in order to support the development of tourism in the area.
Although being one of Hong Kong's iconic attractions, the current Disneyland is relatively small in size. With the opening of Shanghai Disneyland that diverted some tourists, Hong Kong Disneyland needs to continue to invest and expand, in order to maintain its uniqueness and enhance attractiveness to the tourists.。
I fully support the Government’s proposal to invest $10.9 billion to expand Hong Kong Disneyland, and I have expressed my views through different channels. Indeed, the Government should pay extra attention when spending the huge amount of fund. To observe cost-effectiveness of the expansion, I have suggested the Government to properly discuss the proportion of investment with the parent company of Disney. In particular, compromise should be made in asking the parent company to reduce or even cancel the management fees, patent fees, etc., in case there is loss in operating the Park. On 14 December, 2016, I raised the same request again at the LegCo meeting for the supplementary question on the "Expansion and Development Plan of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort". As a result, part of the proposal was adopted, and the parent company of Disney agreed to increase the proportion of investment and waive a portion of the variable management fees.
I raised the same request again at the LegCo meeting on 14 December, 2016 for the supplementary question on the "Expansion and Development Plan of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort". Finally, part of the proposal was adopted, and the parent company of Disney agreed to increase the proportion of investment and waive a portion of the variable management fees.
8 December, 2016 – My column article " Disney Expansion and Government Investment"on Oriental Daily News
28 November, 2016 – Expressed my concerns about Government investment for Disney expansion in Panel on Economic Development
5 April, 2017 – "Should the Government Invest in Disneyland?" News Magazine, NOW News (Click image to review programme)
27 November, 2016:"Worthiness of Further Government Investment in the Park? - A Discussion on Hong Kong Disneyland Expansion", City Forum.
With the support from the Central Government, the Hong Kong Palace Museum will be built in the West Kowloon Cultural District. It is expected that after the completion of the Museum, it will directly benefit the promotion of tourism in Hong Kong. I have expressed my support in different occasions, including the special meeting of the House Committee held on 6 January, 2017, and the written questions for the LegCo Meeting on 8 February, 2017. I sincerely hope that the Government can implement the project as soon as possible, so as to attract more tourists visiting Hong Kong.
I expressed support at the special meeting of the House Committee held on 6 January, 2017, and sincerely hope that the Government can implement the project as soon as possible, so as to attract more overseas tourists visiting Hong Kong.
On 19 January, 2017, I submitted a letter to Mr. Duncan Pescod, Chief Executive Officer of West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, with TIC and eight travel associations, to express the tourism industry’s support towards building the Hong Kong Palace Museum in West Kowloon.
On 8 February, 2017, I raised a written question on the Construction and Operation of Hong Kong Palace Museum.(Click the link for more information)
Banners displayed in various districts from March to June, 2017.
Although exploring the potentials of sport tourism and performance tourism have been a global trend nowadays, there are insufficient large venues for holding such activities in Hong Kong. Through synergizing with the adjacent cruise terminal and Kai Tak Fantasy project, the future Kai Tak Sports Park can further couple the advantages brought along by the quality hotel land supply. It is expected that the mega project can provide first-class venues and high-end reception environment for the local tourism industry. As controversy about the allocation of funds for the Sports Park has been raised in the LegCo, other members of the Pro-establishment camp and I tried our best to defend and ensure that the fund allocation for this project would be passed in the Finance Committee.
On 22 June, 2017, representatives of the sports community submitted a petition letter to the LegCo asking the Finance Committee to pass funding allocation for the Kai Tak Sports Park as soon as possible. I spoke at the scene to support the funding decision.
With rapid development of the XRL in China, the existing rail line has reached a total of 22,000 km. When the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link Hong Kong Section commences its service, Hong Kong will join and become part of the Mainland's high-speed rail map, bring benefits to tourism and economic development. In order to maximize the effectiveness of express rail, co-location arrangement for the immigration process must be implemented. The Government has released the proposal for the co-location arrangement. It is hoped that information on the routes, schedules, and ticketing arrangements can be announced as soon as possible, so as to facilitate members of the industry to prepare earlier and develop relevant tourism products.
On 29 April, 2017, I wrote in the column of "Yiu's Lookout" in the Oriental Daily News to introduce the development of the XRL network in China.
On 7 March, 2017, I participated in the "News Magazine" of NOW News and discussed about issues of the co-location arrangement (click image to view programme)
On 10 August, 2017, briefing on the tourism industry supporting co-location proposal for XRL
Over the past legislative year, I expressed concerns about the development of the aviation industry and joined the Subcommittee to Follow Up Issues Relating to the Three-runway System at the Hong Kong International Airport (3RS Subcommittee). During my term of service, I monitored the construction progress of the 3RS and the manpower planning, as well as paid attention to the expansion and enhancement plan of the Hong Kong International Airport. I also checked the expenditure for the entire program to see if it would be paid by the airport users.
At a meeting held by the above-mentioned Committee on 7 February, 2017, I asked the Authority about the expenditure on the project, expected passenger volume, and arrangement of human resources. As the Hong Kong International Airport is actively promoting its service quality, and I have been concerned about whether the relevant expenses would be transferred to our airport users. Thus, I inquired the Authority on 12 June, 2017, ensuring that we have fully consulted the aviation industry, and that the passengers will not be directly affected.
On 5 May, 2017, the 3RS Subcommittee inspected the reclamation works for the 3RS.
On 12 June, 2017, At the meeting of the 3RS Subcommittee, I expressed my concern on whether the expenditure of the airport enhancement plan would be shifted to the aviation industry and consumers.