Establishment of a Bruce Lee Memorial Hall (2013/07/17) (Supplementary)

Establishment of a Bruce Lee Memorial Hall (2013/07/17) (Supplementary)

Establishment of a Bruce Lee Memorial Hall (2013/07/17)

MR YIU SI-WING: President, since the Government is going to organize a large-scale exhibition on Bruce LEE lasting as long as five years, has the Government ever assessed the impact of this exhibition on the tourism industry and its admission volumes of overseas visitors?

SECRETARY FOR HOME AFFAIRS: This exhibition is organized by the LCSD and according to its past experiences, the number of visits may be more than 1.3 million in the first two years of the exhibition, and I trust that a substantial part of this will be overseas visitors.

MR YIU SI-WING: The Secretary has not answered my supplementary question. I have asked whether he has ever assessed the impact of this exhibition on the tourism industry and the admission volumes of overseas visitors, but he has only mentioned the overall number of visits without responding to the part of the supplementary question on assessment.

SECRETARY FOR COMMERCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT : President, it is difficult for us to compile the statistics requested by the Honourable Member. As Secretary TSANG has pointed out, since this exhibition is the first of its kind in Hong Kong, there is no precedent to go by. However, we estimate that the first two years of an exhibition will usually record 1.34 million visits, and every year thereafter, there will be around 400 000 visits. Also, the Hong Kong Tourism Board will launch overseas publicity. Yet, it is unlikely that visitors will come to Hong Kong solely for this exhibition on Bruce LEE. However, I do believe generally, this exhibition will promote the development of the tourism industry.
